Studio A
They asked and I agreed. Was a guest on the GMU-TV produced Studio A. This half-hour episode takes a look inside my directing and producing work thus far.
Doc Masters: Advice
Doc Masters: First documentary experience.
Voice of America interview and preview of the 2017 Oscar Awards
Voice of America follow up to the winners.
Doc Masters: Ethics of Documentary Editing
Students at Hofstra University (in a class with Skip Bloomberg) asked a series of questions about documentary filmmaking, our role as editors, and the ethics of our practice.
Doc Masters: Fair Use
What is Fair Use and why is it important in documentary?
Doc Masters: Project Preparation informs the two responsibilities we have as documentary filmmakers. To the emotions and facts of a story, and to be the expert in the telling of that story.
Doc Masters: Ethics of Documentary filmmaking practice.
Radio and Written Interviews
Vagina Verite on Period
Pride Index on Bye Bi Love
Spoiler Alert Radio on Period
News at Mason on Out in the Night